Thursday, May 8, 2014

Goodreads Giveway Results

Goodreads is a great place for readers and writers to connect with each other. Last month I decided to try one of their giveaways for my novel Rubicon. I followed the recommendations posted by goodreads to give away a minimum of 10 paperback copies and run the giveaway for a month. Also, I only allowed people from the US and Canada to enter. 1082 people entered my giveaway, 500 people added  Rubicon to their to-read shelf, and 10 people won a paperback copy of my book.

--Victoria from Texas
--Angela from California
--Martine from Massachusetts
--Jennifer from South Carolina
--JG from Ontario
--Melissa from Missouri
--Lia from Tennessee
--Morgan from Nevada
--Stephy from Vermont
--Melissa from California
The books have been mailed and they should be received next week.

So, what did I learn from this experience? This was probably the first promotional experience I've had that made me feel like a real author. I enjoyed writing out thank you cards and signing each of my books (sorry readers for my terrible handwriting and my signature that looks like someone scribbled inside your beautiful books). If I had to do it all over again I would do the giveaway for only one copy of my book, but allow anyone from the globe to enter. I recently read this blog post and she offers some very good advice after doing multiple giveaways.


  1. Thanks for running this giveaway! I got the book in the mail today and I can't wait to read it! :) ~JG

  2. Thanks JG, that is good to hear! I hope you enjoy your read!
